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Personality Traits of a Successful Realtor

Updated: Jun 4, 2022

What makes a good real estate agent? The answer to that question is as varied as the clients who hire them. No two Realtors are alike. Every agent appeals to potential clients in different ways. However, some personality traits are essential for every agent, and others are nearly always a detriment. How can you determine your personality type and fine-tune your characteristics to make you a more successful real estate agent?

Personality Traits of a Successful Realtor

While everyone is unique, some people are better suited to real estate sales than others. According to a study of more than 8,700 agents by the Inman Group, there are common personality traits of a successful Realtor. The Inman study used the DISC Personality Assessment and the Values Index to determine personality types and traits. Using that data, the study determined which traits were most common among successful Realtors. Below are the traits found to be consistent with success.


This isn’t a shocker: successful real estate agents must be good with people. An effective Realtor will be able to talk to strangers, make others feel comfortable, exude confidence and trustworthiness, and make social connections easily. Respondents to the Inman survey tended to rank high on the “I” of the DISC survey: Interactiveness or Influence. Common behaviors of High I’s include enthusiasm, optimism, and an ability to collaborate effectively. Their personable nature makes them easily relatable. They often have high energy levels, allowing them to motivate others and lead groups effectively.

However, those who are higher on the “I” scale are typically less organized. Therefore, the most socially adept agents are often the worst at handling paperwork and paying attention to detail. If that sounds like you, consider developing a high-quality real estate team to help you keep everything running smoothly.


The most successful Realtors are also high on the “S” of the DISC personality assessment: Stability and Steadiness. They’re often able to gain the trust of others, make decisions calmly, and help clients feel secure and supported. Many High S’s value cooperation, group acceptance, and service to others.

Real estate agents who possess this trait are often pros at helping clients who feel stressed. This personality trait allows them to keep everyone level-headed, which is ideal in high-stress real estate situations. Their calm demeanor can help buyers and sellers make complicated decisions regarding real estate decisions.

Moderate Dominance and Decisiveness

The Inman survey found that most real estate agents are moderately dominant, meaning they aren’t overly decisive or commanding, but they aren’t pushovers, either.

They are moderate D’s on the DISC personality survey. High D’s are extremely competitive, challenge-driven, and don’t place a high value on the feelings of others. They’re “win at all costs” types of people, and they don’t make very effective Realtors.

Then again, those who rank low in this area may have trouble negotiating effectively or fighting for what’s important to clients.

The perfect Realtor falls somewhere in the middle: driven and results-focused, but not so much so that it clouds their judgment. They know how to make decisions and get the job done, but they won’t do it at the expense of others.

Economic Motivation

All those who participated in the study had one thing in common: a strong drive for economic gain. The top real estate agents want to make money. For them to do that, they have to sell more houses. That’s a bonus for clients since these agents want to sell their clients’ homes quickly, for the best possible price.

The study found that respondents were more motivated to earn a commission than they were to serve others, learn new things, or achieve security. It’s simple: if you’re a successful agent, you’ll make money. If not, you won’t.

Low Attention to Detail

It can’t all be good news. Real estate agents scored high in the “I” and “S” categories, but low on the “C:” Conscientiousness. That means Realtors tend to share a common disregard for the details. Of course, this is problematic during real estate transactions, which require accuracy and focus.

Of course, this common weakness can be overcome. Real estate agents can place more focus on organization and time management. Agents might also find it helpful to hire detail-oriented, driven, perfection-seeking assistants and team members. Delegation is the best way to overcome this common shortcoming.

Finding Your Personality Type

The Inman study used results from two major personality indexes: the DISC Personality Assessment and the Values Index. Both are widely popular methods for determining what matters most to you and how you interact with others.

The DISC Personality Assessment

The DISC Profile asks a series of non-judgmental questions to help participants understand their own personalities and how their traits relate to those around them. It operates on four parts of a circle, a “disc,” and categorizes personality traits into the following:

Dominance Influence Steadiness Conscientiousness

Based on the results, the participant can see where their personality traits are an asset in their profession and where their characteristics might be a challenge. The DISC study also gives participants tips for strengthening weak areas. When agents better understand their personality traits, they can interact more mindfully with clients and colleagues.

The Values Index

Personality traits can evolve. Our personalities tend to shift as we age. However, our values rarely change over time. The Values Index measures which core motivators drive your everyday work. Where personality traits are things like “attention to detail” or “extrovertedness,” your values are the core beliefs that inspire everything you do. Values include things like service, love, equality, loyalty, reliability, and perseverance. They’re often internalized from the time we are young and have guided us to our current occupation in one way or another.

Many real estate agents share core values like trustworthiness, service, discipline, and loyalty.

What You Can Learn Based on Your Personality Type

The DISC and Core Values Index are just two tools you can use to better understand your personality its impact on your business. Other popular personality tests include the Myer-Briggs, The Enneagram, the IQE, and Strengths Finder. Many can be found online for free.

No matter which test you choose, knowing the personality traits of a successful Realtor can give you a professional edge. You’ll see yourself through a different lens, allowing you to examine how your personality fits into the greater world. You’ll also see how your personality impacts your professional and personal life, and discover opportunities for growth.

Have you taken a personality test? Let us know your favorite in the comments!

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